Wholesale and Retail for the everyday coffee lover!
Creating the perfect blend is never easy, but we never settle for anything less.
Our coffee roasting profile originated in North Wollongong at Delano Coffee Roasters, with a combined effort of our own expertise and one of the only few licensed coffee Q Graders in the world, our blend came to life.
Our roasters are located in the heart of Legian in Bali and also Wollongong Australia, we are providing some of our favourite cafes & restaurants with their own unique blends created from imported and locally sourced green beans.
We hope you enjoy ♡

Ripple Coffee Printing Machine
Coffee Cartel has now introduced the latest coffee trend to Bali, The Coffee Ripple!
With the Ripple Machine you’ll turn ordinary coffee into an extraordinary experience. Using patented printing technology, the machine creates inspiring Ripplesfrom any image or text atop the foam layer of coffee beverages.
By downloading the app "Drink Ripples" to your phone, you can instantly connect to the coffee ripple, sending any photo you like to be printed onto of your coffee.
Coffee Cartel also has a range of preset photos and text for anyone to pick from!
We can't wait to see what you would like printed on your next coffee!
Our ripple machine is currently located at all three of our locations.
If you would like to have one of these machines at your cafe, restaurant or hotel in Australia or Indonesia please get in contact.